
Sort Tags in folders

Philippe 2 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 2

For each release of our SW (every 6 months), we create tags for the version Alpha0..n, Beta0..n, ReleaseCandidate0..n

This creates a lot of tags and what makes the search unpleasant in the "Branches" window. It would be nice if we could create folders to gathers all tags belonging to one SW release.

In the Branches window:

It would be very helpful to have the possibility to create subfolders under "Tags" in order to group them (e.g. here a subfolder with the name v1.4). There are here only 9 tags but in about two years, we will have more than one hundred. It is going to be very painful to scroll down to find a specific tag in order to have access to its different functions (right-click on tag).


Did you already try to configure the Tag-Grouping in the repository settings (Repository | Settings)?

Excellent, works fine.Thx