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Clone a repository through HTTPS from with self-signed certificate

Mikael Chudinov 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 2

Clone a repository through HTTPS from a repo with self-signed certificate. Enable it per repo in SmartGit GUI.


Push should push submodules, too

Erik Sperling Johansen 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 0

If I attempt to push a toplevel module with references to non-pushed submodule commits, this is rejected, which of course makes perfect sense. However, if I multiselect both the toplevel module and some submodules, then click push, the toplevel push is still rejected. Can multiselect push be ordered so that children always are pushed before parents?


Uppercase Hex for commit IDs

Hugo 7 years ago 0

Please consider making the hex shown in commit Ids be either uppercase or lowercase. This could be a simple checkbox in the Preferences - User Interface, defaulting to lowercase. Hopefully this is a relatively small change but would be very appreciated by some!


Use git flow commands in group

guilherme 7 years ago updated by maL oun 2 years ago 1

Allow to start/finish features/hotfix/release in all repositories in one group at the same time. Do some kind of synchronization between projects that allow to change branch in all repos inside a group at the same time.


Mercurial - rename/move bookmarks

Declan 7 years ago 0

A nice to have would also be the ability to rename/move bookmarks as is possible
in TortoiseHg.


Push, JIRA: add possibility to choose custom Jira task status and resolution

Pavlo Yalandin 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 6 years ago 1

It would be helpful to be able to specify custom task status in 'Resolve JIRA Issue' dialog window.

I think it would useful when custom Jira workflow used to specify other task status after push like 'Development Done' or 'Ready for Review'

Image 61


Be able to create merge-commit using system git-flow

Mark Lofdahl 7 years ago 0

Checking "Use pre-installed ("system") Git-Flow" in preferences causes SmartGit to use "git flow ..." instead of its built in algorithms. When doing "Finish Feature", SmartGit's dialog box presents the following options:

Create merge commit

Create simple commit (squash)

Rebase onto 'develop'

If you choose "create merge commit", it passes no options to "git flow feature finish", which will do a fast-forward merge if possible. I would expect "create merge commit" to actually create a merge commit, as it does when you are using the SmartGit git-flow algorithms. It seems odd that "create merge commit" would behave drastically differently for system git-flow vs smartgit git-flow. This would require passing the "--no-ff" option to "git flow feature finish".

Perhaps the options should be the following for both system git-flow and smartgit git-flow algorithms.

Fast-forward merge (which will fail if it can't do it)

Create merge commit (which will explicitly create a merge commit even if ff-merge is possible)

Create simple commit (squash)

Rebase onto 'develop'


Reword the Check for New Version and Check for Latest Build menu items for clarity

Michael Geary 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 1

The names of the Check for New Version... and Check for Latest Build... menu items do not make it clear what these actually do, or which one you should choose for a normal update.

A simple improvement that would make their functions much more obvious, and more consistent with other apps, would be to rename them to Check for Updates... and Check for Experimental Build...


Add toolbar button for showing staged files only

madreason 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 1

I would like see staged files only before commit. For using F6-key changes stream.


Log time

Roland Bengtsson 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 0

It would be nice to show time for each log line in the output panel