gitflow "finish release" should merge release "branch" into master instead of release "tag"

mikvet 2 years ago 0

the finish release button executes the following commands

git checkout --ignore-other-worktrees master
git merge --no-ff -m "Finish Release-1" release/Release-1
git tag -f Release-1 refs/heads/master
git checkout --ignore-other-worktrees develop
git merge --no-ff -m "Finish Release-1" Release-1
git branch -D release/Release-1

this results in a graph looking like this (red box)

Image 690

this would be closer to gitflow

git checkout --ignore-other-worktrees master
git merge --no-ff -m "Finish Release-2" release/Release-2
git tag -f Release-2 refs/heads/master
git checkout --ignore-other-worktrees develop
git merge --no-ff -m "Finish Release-2" release/Release-2
git branch -D release/Release-2

this results in a graph looking like this (green box)