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Recently updated topics 1,294


Trigger a refresh via command line/bash

sgtcoder 4 days ago 0

Modify commit should work like cherry pick

rconde01 4 days ago updated by Thomas Singer 4 days ago 1

Add a copy Full commit data contextual menu entry

Michel Archambault 1 week ago updated 1 week ago 1

Open multiple repositories in explorer

Marcel 2 weeks ago 0

Add context menu item to set upstream of current branch

David Rees 2 weeks ago updated 2 weeks ago 2

Configuration option to define the name for the principal branch

Adhoniran Gomes 2 weeks ago updated by Marc Strapetz 2 weeks ago 1

Add option to specify repository and branch for "Push Up To..."

Martin Stolpe 3 weeks ago updated 3 weeks ago 1

Copy repository group name by Ctrl+C

arcadius 3 weeks ago 0