Your comments

@SmartGitTeam - while working on a product, like i.e. SmartGit, you should have your own Vision oof it and stick to it. I believe it is seldom a good idea to add features for specific clients - this is a pandora box that could jeopardize the entire product in the long run.
However, this request seems like only extending your product by shortcuts: the same product, the same Vision, but few more shortcuts, so hopefully a better UX for some users.

It looks like this idea is getting a little bit of momentum. So few more details.

While reviewing local changes in both Main and Review Perspectives, I can use the keyboard shortcuts to navigate between changes:

However, the shortcuts for stagging apply to the entire file:

So after going to a change with a keyboard shortcut, I need to use the mouse to select the staging option from the context menu - which is very frustrating:

Adding keyboard shortcuts for these options would change my life :P