Your comments
Can you be more specific?
What exactly are you referring to in relation to ISO 27001?
I don't know how is now, but the JetBrains implementation were better than CoPilot.
CoPilot were very limited!!
In JetBrains AI the commit is generated but you can select the files to commit, then after create the commit you can review, modify, replace... then you have full control about the commit created.
It's an example using Goland JetBrains IDE for Go programming language.
This commit text is the output after clicking the little purple spiral button beside "Amend" checkbox...
Customer support service by UserEcho
I think that cost/beneficy implementation is to supports some populars LLM and each user contracts the LLM service directly to the provider.
To use the feature the user put your Token (as implemented for Github, for example).
Sound like very crazy?