Your comments

SmartGit 23.1 preview contains a fix for DPI scaling >= 200%.

Turns out, OP only had Win10, whereas Win11 is required for WSLg. I have updated the article with additional clarifications.

I will reply by email. Once we figure what went wrong, I'll update the article.

Please try the recommended .tar.gz instead. For me, it worked just fine.

I tried SmartGit on WSLg and it seems to work fine for me. What exactly went wrong for you?
Also, here's an article on how to set everything up:

I didn't notice any resizing/scrollbars issues.
Could you please create shortcut as explained in this article (step "sudo ./smartgit/bin/") and see if that helps?

I tried SmartGit on WSLg briefly and it seems to work fine, and performance is good.

I composed an article on how to set it up: