
Compare: change Syntax highlighting using a menu with submenus instead of a dialog with long list

Андрей Шенец 9 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 10

The SmartGit provides two ways to change highlighting scheme: first in preferences, second in edit window by clicking 'Syntax language' under view menu.

Both are not convenient enough in some particular cases. The first one is requires setting up for all formats you could have but not only standard. The second one requires too many actions.

Also in these approach there is no way to quickly change scheme from 'Changes' area. So the common way for 'Editor' window and 'Changes' areas expected.

The way how it can be improved to be more convenient:

1. Right click on diff panel -> Mouse over Syntax highlight -> Pick scheme. (Example from Sublime Text 3)

) (Two clicks one move)

or 2. Right click on diff panel -> Syntax highlight (opens window) -> Press '<Symbol>' for quick search-> <Symbol>scheme -> enter or Ok click.

or 3. Combobox somewhere in changes area with possibility to select scheme + Press '<Symbol>' for quick search

The handiest one is the third. The first one is on the second place.

Description is:

It would be great to have ability of quick switching of type of highlighting in diff tool. Right now I see only way in preferences.

Hi Mark. 

I wouldn't like to rate "the customer service" as  "Bad, I'm unsatisfied" because the customer service is good but the implementation is not what I expected to see. 


1. I am not still able to change highlight scheme in changes area. I expected a button or right-click-menu-item. To have possibility to change scheme I have to open editor window (first action), click view (second action), click syntax language (third action), scroll & find (forth action), click ok (fifth action). That is inconvenient. Did I miss something?


1.1 Right click on diff panel -> Mouse over Syntax highlight -> Pick scheme (Example https://www.screencast.com/t/guOBoP955I) (Two clicks one move)

or 1.2. Right click on diff panel -> Syntax highlight (opens window) -> 'x' -> xml -> enter or Ok click.

or 1.3. Combobox somewhere in changes area with possibility to select scheme + quick navigation by letter there...

2. The syntax language window does not have any way to search expected scheme or quick navigation way. For example I am comparing Visual Studio csproj file, which is xml file, I need to scroll down to xml. So if I can press 'x' and go to a first 'x' scheme it would be great.

Hi Andrej, if you need to permanently define the extension csproj as xml syntax in the preferences. If that is not sufficient, there is a menu item. Usually, this is nothing that needs to be changed often.

Hi Thomas. Yes, make sense and I aready did this but if we think in such way then we don't need this feature at all. If we talk about the feature then it is worth to have the most convenient way is possible.

I think we should make the description of this topic clearer, so one can understand that (1) syntax highlighting can already be switched, but (2) what are the shortcomings of the current approach and (3) which faster solution is suggested.

I agree with you but as I see I cannot edit description so feel free to do it yourself if you can.

Please make a suggestion for the description change.

I suggest following one:

The SmartGit provides two ways to change highlighting scheme: first in preferences, second in edit window by clicking 'Syntax language' under view menu. 

Both are not convenient ehough in some particular cases. The first one is requires setting up for all formats you could have but not only standard. The second one requires too many actions.

Also in these approach there is no way to quickly change schme from 'Chagnes' area. So the common way for 'Editor' window and 'Changes' areas expected.

The ways how it can be improved to be more convenient:

1. Right click on diff panel -> Mouse over Syntax highlight -> Pick scheme. (Example from Sublime Text 3

) (Two clicks one move)

or 2. Right click on diff panel -> Syntax highlight (opens window) -> Press '<Symbol>' for quick search-> <Symbol>scheme -> enter or Ok click.

or 3. Combobox somewhere in changes area with possibility to select scheme + Press '<Symbol>' for quick search

The handiest one is the third. The first one is on the second place.

Thanks, description is updated.