
Compare: expand LFS files (from pointer to actual content)

Andreas75 4 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 4 years ago 3

If I want to compare two binary files (or versions of the same file) which are in lfs I only can compare the pointer files. This is nice and useful just to see if there are differences but does not help me if I want to compare those file with an external tool.

Is it possible to implement a mechanism to get the original files first before sending the link to the external diff-tool? ... or is there something I have overseen?


This is already possible when setting Low-Level Property "compare.applyGitFilters". For version 20.2, this will be the default.

I was happy to read this and directly tried it but it seems not to work.

My external diff tool still gets the link-files as input parameter and not the real files. I re-started smartGit after changing the option.

Anything else I have to consider?

What about the internal Changes view, internal Compare -- do they work? If you still can't get it to work, please setup a small, public test repository (e.g. at GitHub) for which we both can reproduce the problem.