
list of different commits between branches

galsi 4 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 12

Is it possible to get the list of commits that are different between branches ?

the command in the cli is :

git log <BranchA>..<BranchB> --oneline


You can achieve this easily with the following external tool:

thanks for the quick reply

how do i select the branches to be compared?

Either select the branches in the Branches view or the commits in the Graph view before invoking this tool from the context menu.


Which  Mode should i be?

i try both and don't see the result 

I select these 2 branches

but the command always run on the first selected branch - in this case ServerOps

You should select 2 branches with Ctrl+click.


When i select with control the option is not available

And when right-clicking one of the selected branches in the Branches view?

Please verify if the tool is configured the same way as shown above.

Thanks you are correct

Can i Get result into the log output window - so it can be selected?

I miss this feature a lot. This command is only a workaround.

Would it be possible to integrate this in some way into the log view?

Maybe Open a new log window which shows only the missing commits.

Or integrate the information in the current log view,...

The GUI integration would have the benefit to click on "Reveal Commit, Cherrypick",....

Please describe your full workflow, why and what exactly you need.