
Support Windows task bar jump list

Ed Ball 4 years ago updated by Nathan M 4 years ago 3

Akin to Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, it would be great if you could right-click on the SmartGit icon in the Windows task bar and choose from a list of recent and/or pinned repositories.

What exactly should happen if such an entry is clicked - if SmartGit is running and not running?

The behavior when you specify the repository directory on the command line seems reasonable enough to me. Looks like it opens an existing SmartGit window if it is already open there and opens a new window otherwise. (I'm not sure why it closes any other repositories open in an existing window -- it could just select the repository without closing the others -- but that's a separate issue.)

Great idea! I often wish I could navigate straight to a particular repository from the start menu. If the jump menu listed like the last 10 repositories I used it would be great.