
Log Graph: Allow drag & drop to squash any 2 commits

Iulian Onofrei 4 years ago updated by David Rees 1 year ago 2

The older topic only works for commits having the same message.

I quite often need to squash 2 commits that are not consecutive and which have different messages. But, currently, only the rebase option is presented.

This could work for consecutive commits too, as a shorthand for the right click > squash option.


At least it would be great to have the drag'n'squash feature for commits with the same message plus the "fixup! " prefix, which is the standard naming for a commit we intend to squash with a previous one.

I really don't like to use the exact same message for two commits, I feel this leads to confusion.

And because of this I can't benefit from the drag'n'squash feature, which is really a nice one.


A related request is https://smartgit.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/1677-add-ability-to-squash-non-contiguous-commits. Same end goal, but using selection and menu rather than drag/drop.