
Stage button in File Compare window

Hans Henrik Bergan 3 years ago updated by fourier 2 years ago 3

in File Compare after you're done with take left/take right, you have a Save button, would be nice if you also had a Stage button next to the Save button

Please describe more detailed your workflow, e.g. why you need this button in this window. Thanks in advance.

@Thomas recently got a large diff with some ~70 files edited from an "automated code refactoring tool" (specifically https://github.com/rectorphp/rector with the rules from https://phpspreadsheet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/migration-from-PHPExcel/  ) , the majority of the changes were good, but there were also false positives and formatting-only changes, luckily SmartGit's File Compare made it really easy to revert the formatting-only and  false positives changes ("pick left"), and after every file change was reviewed, i staged the reviewed file, by clicking save->back to smart git->stage first non-staged file on the list->open next un-staged-file for review. given that i had to do that ~70 times in a row, i wished for a stage button next to the save button

(if it had a stage button, i would have opened all 70 files in File Compare and "review->stage->ctrl+F4->repeat"  instead of "open file->review->save->ctrl+F4->stage->repeat" )

I agree this is the very first thing I was looking for after doing reviews of my changes. Could be nice to click on the Stage button in File Compare window to stage the file and close the window.