Cancel a request (e.g. fetch) when not connected to VPN

Mirko 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

When not connected to a VPN where my repo is, SmartGit just hangs in "Fetching..." for 2 minutes and I must force exit it if I don't want to wait for it to show me a "Command failed" popup with message "Command Fetch failed!" message. Event when I connect to the VPN in meantime it still continues to hang. Because of it I must take care that I am connected to the VPN before I do some action related to a remote repository.

So, the potential resolution will be to automatically break the request or to have an option to cancel it (with similar warning like it is on force exit attempt)


So you want to have a "Kill Git Process" feature?

Sorry for waiting for a reply this long.

Well, I guess that would be it. I can not quickly confirm since I can't find anything similar fast.