Submodule Add: option at which branch the submodule should be added [SG-14489]
This should populate the submodule.<name>.branch parameter:
[submodule "meta"]
path= meta
url= ../meta
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Marc,
are there any plans to support branches in submodules for 18.2?
No, it's not planned for 18.2.
It would help in managing flows using many submodules.
- the submodule is branched off to support a new hardware platform XYZ
- the parent repository should now also branch off a branch XYZ (named like in the submodule) and then link to the submodule of branch XYZ.
The mentioned proposal could help in such a flow, if the submodule is fleshly added to the parent and a user want to jump directly to branch XYZ for the new variation.
This option will be present in upcoming version 22.1 Preview.