
Add option to remember last size, customize default size of dialogs like Save File As or auto extend

L Nguyen Huu 1 year ago updated by Thomas Singer 1 year ago 1

Issue: the Save File As (Ctrl+S on file in diff view) window popup is too small to read long paths:

Image 781

I need to either click inside the text field and move to the left word by word with Ctrl+Left, or resize it to see more text:

Image 782

However, this new size is forgotten next time I Save File As.

A. It would be nice if last popup size was remembered. Or, if not everyone wants this, at least add a Preference option to remember last popup size.

B. Alternatively, there could be a numerical option to specifically set Save File As popup width.

C. Alternatively, there could be an option to auto-extend the popup size to show the full path text (to the limit of the monitor width)