
Commit dialog, ability to disable "Local changes" option and always use "Staged Changes"

dylan lamont 6 months ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 months ago 3

I regularly accidentally commit Local changes rather than Staged changes. Sure, it's user error, but after staging, I'm in the habit of just leaving the message and committing as you'd expect from most GIT GUIs. Especially as it usually defaults to "Staged Changes", it's hard always to remember to check which option has been chosen. 

An alternative fix would be to allow the option to always default to "Staged Changes".

Image 810

Log window Working Tree window Commit dialog
Satisfaction mark by dylan lamont 6 months ago

Disabling is not possible (and probably won't), but maybe the preferences option "Preselect 'Staged' if files are staged, even if a file without staged changes is selected" helps you. I also recommend you to select View | Separate Working Tree and Index.

Wow, quick response. Thank you Thomas! That’s exactly what I need.