
Missing smart feature: optional automatic background-check: Check all Repositories for changes

Thomas Schittli 9 months ago updated 9 months ago 8


I miss a smart feature:

If you work in several projects, it is very tedious and time-consuming SmartGit to check in whether there have been changes in one of the repositories: you have to select and check each one manually.

It would be great if you could activate a SmartGit background check for Repositoeries that:

  1. Adjustable e.g. every 60 minutes
  2. Each repository checks whether:
    1. Local changes have been made
    2. There have been changes on the git server
    3. The authentication is still OK
  1. (Annoying Editor: this is 4.)
    The recorded information is then displayed for each repo

Thanks a lot, kind regards,

Repository Management

I missed one check which should be done:

2.4: Check, if the Repository still exists (local and the git server)

Thank you for the Feature request!
Which Repos should be affected? Those currently open in SmartGit or all that have been opened in the past with SmartGit?
Should this be a Repo Level or System wide setting?

Hello Daniel

I have sent a screenshot below of which repository overview it would be useful to see if changes have been made.

> Should this be a Repo Level or System wide setting?

This is an extremely good question!… after some thought, I came to this conclusion:

❯ The system load is probably not so big that it would interfere if SmartGit checks all repositories

❯ If the result of this background job is displayed discreetly in the repositories, the display would probably not be disruptive.

But it could be that there are SmartGit customers who want to keep the control and prefer to be able to set which Repo the background scanner should check.

Therefore, a repo level setting would probably be the safer option so that no SmartGit customer gets annoyed.

Thanks a lot, kind regards,

    Thank you, Daniel, for your question :-)
    I was thinking of this repository list:

    Image 855

    Thanks a lot, kind regards,

    In the Repositories view's hamburger menu you can find an item to select all obsolete repositories.

    Thank you for this tip! The function is useful and a good start.

    From a smart tool, I would expect proactive user support. This means: I shouldn't have to execute a command to mark all repositories that no longer exist locally; instead, a subtle status icon should be automatically displayed as soon as a repository no longer exists locally.

    In other words: It would be great if, under "Smart Functions" in the settings, one could enable that the repositories display useful additional information, such as:

    • Does it still exist locally?
    • Does it still exist on the server?
    • Were there changes on the server?
    • Were there local changes?
    • …?

    (The reason for displaying local changes is that employees sometimes forget to check in their changes and transfer them to the server. If users see this status with an icon, they will notice it very quickly because they see the repository list repeatedly.)

    By the way, that would be a USP (unique selling proposition), a "Alleinstellungsmerkmal", that would excite us because it is useful and simplifies work and overview.

    Thanks a lot, kind regards,

    Please keep in mind that other users might use network shares or removable disks.

    Yes, that's exactly why I have the idea: We often realize very late when someone has made a change on a share. That's why it would be great if SmartGit made this information available to users.

    But your comment probably points to a potential problem.
    This is exactly why it would be good to
    a) be able to switch such a smart function on/off in general
    b) And then presumably per repository, whether the smart function should analyze it