Use filter to show only tagged commits

yfede 2 months ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 months ago 1

It would be helpful to have an option that allows to reduce the complexity of the log graph by showing only commits that are tagged, or somewhat decorated (like head of branhces, etc.), still keeping branch and merge points visible.

In essence, the result should be what you get on the command line with:

git log --graph --simplify-by-decoration --oneline

That would make it much easier to grasp the history of repos that have long lived branches with hundreds of commits, which are seldom merged and tagged.

On the UI, this option could be a button/menu next to the filter text box, or could be triggered by a special "keyword" typed directly there, like "tagged" or "decorated" (with some special character perhaps? like #tagged or #decorated)


Could you please describe the use case in more details? Do you want to "show all except of feature branches"?