
Add context menu item to set upstream of current branch

David Rees 8 months ago updated 8 months ago 2

It would be very handy if remote branch context menu had option to set the current branch's upstream. So user could create a branch, then right click the remote branch tile they want to track (which is usually there in the graph) to set the upstream.

Log window

In the Working Tree or Log window right-click your local branch and select "Set Tracked Branch".

Thanks. In our environment we can have hundreds of remote branches, so finding and selecting from the drop down is a fair amount of work.

I am suggesting SmartGit allow user to to do it from the remote branch tile in the graph. This practically is quite useful since  I usually create the local branch in the graph, and the remote branch the local branch is based on is usually quite nearby in the graph.

I guess another way of doing it might be if user right clicks a remote branch (vs the commit) and does "Add Branch" then that remote branch is proposed as the upstream.