Do not automatically scroll down on commit

pol henarejos 1 month ago updated by Thomas Singer 1 month ago 2

When I have multiple files with changes to commit, they are placed in red at the top of the window. Then I select some files to make some commits group by group. Every time, I make a commit, the scroll is moved down to the place on the list of unchanged files, since the committed files are still selected and these files are moved to unchanged files. This forces to me to move the scroll up again to continue with the next commit.

My proposal is to keep the scroll on the top of window, regardless the commit or if the selected file is moved due to status changed.


I'm using 

23.1.3 #20198, installed: #20164

and the Window Style is Working tree file oriented.

This is intended behavior. SmartGit tries to keep the selected files selected, even if their state changes. Workaround: hide unchanged files.