
Configurable "open in" menu

Dominic van Berkel 4 months ago updated 4 months ago 3

The context menu for repositories includes options to "Open In" explorer, git-shell, terminal, and a few more. I'd love to be able to configure that list for my preferred tools, like

- Open in Windows Terminal (my settings don't match what I get when I pick "Open in terminal" or "Open in Powershell"),

- Open in VS Code

- Open in TotalCommander

I  see several other feature requests with specific new menu items but it's pretty long as it is - making it configurable would simplify the menu and make it more flexible for everyone.

External tools Settings
Satisfaction mark by Dominic van Berkel 4 months ago

Thank you for your feedback!


Did you already check the preferences, page "Tools"?

Oh, geez. Yep, that looks like what I was looking for, my bad. I did see the the sub-items - "Diff tools" and "Conflict solvers" -and dismissed that section entirely because those aren't the tools I was looking for. Thank you!