
Create/close feature branches on multiple, selected repositories

Chris Jaquet 2 months ago 0

We use SmartGit for interacting with many (>100) repos for any given project.

It would be very useful to be able to create branches (e.g. a feature branch) with the same name across multiple repositories, e.g. If I am working on a ticket, THING-1234 and it affects multiple repositories it would be great if we could select a subset (or all) of the repositories in the group (or a folder containing repositories) and create the same branch across all of them (e.g. feature/THING-1234).

Similarly it would be very helpful to finish features or releases for a selection of repos, without needing to do it one at a time.

As an added bonus it would be really helpful if SmartGit could perform this action on multiple repos in parallel, rather than sequentially.

Repository Management