
Add support for rebasing stacked branches

andrewleech 1 month ago updated 1 month ago 3


Could an option be added to include the --update-refs arguement for rebase operations? Either in drop down menu during rebase or just a checkbox in preferences / advanced settings would be fine from my perspective.

I quite often work on large features that then get split into multiple branches stacked on top of each other.

I generally work on projects using a rebase strategy rather than merging branches into main, so I end up wanting to rebase the stacked branches onto the head of main for testing / submission.

Currently I end up needing to drag/drop the whole branch onto main to rebase it as just the lastest branch name, then manually drag the intermediate branch labels up to where they're supposed to be in the stack which is quite tedious and error prone. 

Alternatively I drop to the terminal to run the rebase there with --update-refs and it moves all the intermediate branches for me along with the rebase.

Missing Git feature Improve Git commands

Could you please show a screenshot of the log illustrating the other branches that should be updated, too?

I would love this feature. We also have this problem sometimes and it is not so easy to handle it.

This is the kind of thing I'm referring to, I want to rebase these branches to upstream/master, taking all three along in the one go.

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