
Undo/Redo for commits

Marc Strapetz 8 years ago updated by Adrien Béraud 5 years ago 3

Undo e.g.:

- Plain commit

- Amend commit

- Changing branch (ref pointer)

- Rebase/Merge

- ... what else?

For a commit, the git revert command is fine and works great in SmartGit.

But I found myself quite unhappy when rebasing a branch or amending a commit indeed, and then an "undo" option would have been great !

Do you know the "Recyclable Commits" option in the Log's Branches view?

Absolutly not :) I found this : https://www.syntevo.com/doc/display/SG/Local+Operations+on+the+Working+Tree

I'll need to try on next amend and rebase...