
Be able to create merge-commit using system git-flow

Mark Lofdahl 7 years ago 0

Checking "Use pre-installed ("system") Git-Flow" in preferences causes SmartGit to use "git flow ..." instead of its built in algorithms. When doing "Finish Feature", SmartGit's dialog box presents the following options:

Create merge commit

Create simple commit (squash)

Rebase onto 'develop'

If you choose "create merge commit", it passes no options to "git flow feature finish", which will do a fast-forward merge if possible. I would expect "create merge commit" to actually create a merge commit, as it does when you are using the SmartGit git-flow algorithms. It seems odd that "create merge commit" would behave drastically differently for system git-flow vs smartgit git-flow. This would require passing the "--no-ff" option to "git flow feature finish".

Perhaps the options should be the following for both system git-flow and smartgit git-flow algorithms.

Fast-forward merge (which will fail if it can't do it)

Create merge commit (which will explicitly create a merge commit even if ff-merge is possible)

Create simple commit (squash)

Rebase onto 'develop'