
Support smudge filter for git-crypt diff

Randy Syring 8 years ago updated by Gijs-Jan Roelofs 3 months ago 4

When using git-crypt, the smudge filter is needed to see a diff of changed encrypted files. git-crypt adds the following to .git/config:

[filter "git-crypt"]
    smudge = git-crypt smudge
    clean = git-crypt clean
    required = true
[diff "git-crypt"]
    textconv = git-crypt diff

Please support the smudge filter so I can see diffs of encrypted files without having to go to git cli.


This would be extremely helpful in combination with Git-LFS.

Version 22.1 will support diff.<type>.textconv.

I'm using a clean/smudge filter for Jupyter Notebooks (I don't want to check in cell output or metadata, only code), but I can't make it work in Smartgit 23.1.2 (which according to Marc should support this). Can anyone help?

It does not work for me either.