Be able to pull directly from an upstream branch

Jonne Kats 8 years ago updated by Colin Richardson 8 years ago 3

When using forks you want to be able to pull from an upstream branch. Currently its only possible to fetch from a branch that is not being tracked.

What I normally do at the command line is: git pull upstream <branch> (Even though the branch is untracked)

Please give a detailed example of what should happen. Which series of Git command should be invoked?

So, you create a private fork of a public repository and want to update your local branch with the latest from the original repo. So, what i normally do at the command line is: git pull upstream <branch> (Even though the branch is untracked)

I think if you wanted to do that, Git would have to have a concept of tracking multiple branches.. I don't think it could do that.. Because you would need to be able to do "my-patch > tracks origin/my-patch > tracks upstream/master".