
Journal: set default auxiliary branch for new branches

Martin Kirk 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

I recently found began using the Journal window - however, when working in a branch, it's not useful that it displays "Develop" as the auxiliary branch, so i set it to "None" which showed the branch im working on.

However !... when i create new branches, the default view gets reset to Develop and i again need to clear it to None.

Would it be possible to set the default view of this window ??

as a setting somewhere ..

I recently found began using the Journal window - however, when working in a branch, it's not useful that it displays "Develop" as the auxiliary branch, so i set it to "None" which showed the branch im working on.

However !... when i create new branches, the default view gets reset to Develop and i again need to clear it to None.

Would it be possible to set the default view of this window ??

as a setting somewhere ..

Same need for me, in a different context : I use git-svn, and so gitflow is disabled. But I still create manually feature and hotfix branches from trunk ! Each time a new branch is created I would like to have trunk as the auxiliary branch displayed in the journal view...