
Add option to make Git commands failures "loud"

andrew pashkin 7 years ago updated by Andrew Pashkin 7 years ago 10

When a Git command fails it is currently only reflected in "Output" window. I propose to make an option that would be making Git failures "loud" - for example by displaying an error window. That would guard users from forgetting to perform certain actions on their repositories because the commands failed silently - for example forgetting to push a tag or a branch.

Satisfaction mark by andrew pashkin 7 years ago

(1) If an error occurs, the Output view should come to front (in case it's hidden). (2) If the Output view is not displayed at all, an error window will show up. I guess (2) should be what you are looking for.


Personally to me it's important that there would be no possibility for the error message to be unnoticed and so I wouldn't forget to handle the error. I imagined it as a dialog window that blocks other actions (makes impossible to access menus, etc).

Oh, I thought you are listing possible implementation options. Yes (2) works, thank you very much!


I just encountered this problem again yesterday - I forgot to look at the Output view for errors, so kept trying things incorrectly.  I like having the Output view open for regular reviewing/watching progress, therefore SG won't display a popup on errors.  Is there any feature option can add to strongly/interruptively notify user when problems detected?


I tried to use SmartGit with the Output view closed but I've found that sometimes I need it to be present and in this case if I forgot to close it I won't get an error message. I'd also prefer to have a dedicated option that would enable error notifications regardless of presence of the Output view.


Please give the latest intermediate build 12114 a try (Help | Check for Latest Build) and set the low-level property output.showOnlyIfViewInvisible to false.

Thank you!!  That works great!

Awesome! Worked on my machine.