
Commit: option to customize limits of "line length guides"

Andrew Pashkin 5 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 3 years ago 7

In many projects there are guidelines regarding how long lines in commit messages can be. In Linux, for instance, the first line can't be longer than 50 characters. Currently to ensure that I don't break the formatting rule I have to use a dedicated editor with sole purpose of measuring line width and then copy-pasting it to SmartGit "Commit" window. My proposal is to add indicator of current line width into the "Commit" window in SmartGit.

Edit -> Preferences -> Commands

Commit Section -> Show Line Length Guides

It's still not possible to configure the line lengths, which makes the line length guides kind of worthless.


The commit line length guides are set to the Git commit standards.  Changing them is "kind of worthless" as then you violate the Git standard.  What use case do you have that requires violating the standard?

Please excuse the rude language. As for everything regarding coding styles and standards, for me the commit message lengths are only a recommendation. Different projects will require different limits for commit message header and content line lengths, which is why I'd expect them to be configurable, just like in TortoiseGit and other Git utilities.

What exactly you would like to configure - the length of the first line, the length for the 3rd+ lines? Would you also have the length of the 2nd line to be configurable?

As there currently are two different limits, I think it would make sense to have a limit for line 1 and another limit for lines 3-n (as the second line usually is blank and thus doesn't need a separate limit). Alternatively the second limit for lines 2-n for those who put text in the second line.


Build 16115+ will support the low-level properties commit.lineLengthGuide.limit1, commit.lineLengthGuide.limit2 and commit.lineLengthGuide.limit3.