
Log: combine Working Tree and Index items in Graph

Ed Ball 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 4

I would love to see the new "Working Tree" and "Index" items (optionally?) combined into one item in the Log Graph view (e.g. as "Working Tree, Index"), where Files and Changes would work exactly like the old Working Tree Window, so I never have to switch between the Working Tree and Index items in the Log Graph while examining and manipulating modified and/or staged files.

Satisfaction mark by Ed Ball 5 years ago

Please give SmartGit 19.2 preview 2 a try.

Thanks, this is definitely an improvement, in my opinion!

I'm still not sold on the split view in the Files pane. I'd still rather it showed both modified and staged files in the same list, or at least have that option. But I'll try it out for a while; maybe it will grow on me. :-)

Thanks for your ongoing improvements!

Of course, you have this option. Just click the pointed button in the screenshot.

Outstanding! Thanks again!