Your comments

My use case if a file which has some changes staged and some not. So I wish to quickly check what I staged, but I don't want to open the Index Editor because 1. I have lots of changes unstaged, and 2. this file has long lines so I prefer to see just a 2-way diff instead of 3-way diff for this little use case.

My muscle memory was, Ctrl+Alt+T for the IndexEditor, stage just 2-3 of the 100 changes, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+F4. Then do a quick check, F4, hit the up arrow 2 times to show diff between HEAD and index, Enter. F6 to quickly navigate to the 3-rd stage. Never touch a mouse and be done in 10 seconds :)

What do you mean by "Files table" ?

I haven't updated SmartGit in a while, and now I updated to version 21 and when I hit F4 this no longer appears.

I got used to this feature. Is it gone now ? Or does someone know where it has moved ?