Your comments

Amazing, very much looking forward to that and will jump on the very first beta! :)

Weird, it shows up for me in my post (I had edited it in after posting, maybe that's the issue), but either way: that's exactly the article I found, too!

Seb, regarding your question on "History of current line", see the link I posted below. (I had to google as well to figure out how to activate that feature.)

Wow, History of current line is a really cool feature, that I never would have found. In fact, I was searching for exactly that feature a few weeks ago, and gave up unsuccessfully after fifteen minutes.

So my feedback is that maybe this feature could be made more discoverable. (Although I don't have any specific suggestions how to do that, I'll leave that to the UX experts.)

See the 'Warning' on the top voted answer of the SO question mentioned in the title for the typical workaround most people use here: 'stash --keep-index'

Would like to see SmartGit coming up with a way to avoid that problem. But my git-fu isn't enough to judge whether that's possible.

I would love to see this for git, as I'm often trying to work around it by committing, stashing, then undoing the commit, which is annoying.

Could you split the request please? I'd like to upvote the git one (I'm not using Mercurial).