Your comments
Agree, just tried to search for this feature to make integration with IDE more smooth. Nice to have a blame and log, but File Compare could complete these options.
After some evaluation with Gerrit, I can see this could be added to Push to Gerrit... dialog. Then the list of refs in the window should be build from local branches (or entered manually), i.e. if one have branches for example 'features/myfeature' and 'release-0.1', the popup window should provide options to select
as well as the freetext input.
I haven't tested the "Draft" option, but there recent versions of gerrit requires the refs for draft/work in progress should look like
Suppose I'm modifying some file on a branch. I want to diff this file against its version on another branch, just quickly check what has been done in the file on another branch comparing to the current state. If I use command line I would just type
git diff other-branch worker.lisp
In SmartGit I want to open the File Compare window instead, via context menu. So what I want is to add some "Compare to branch/revision" button in the Context menu here, which would lead to the dialog allowing me to specify either:
- branch, local/remote (prepopulated dropdown box)
- tag (prepopulated dropdown box)
- commit id (freeform text string).
Upon entering the data the
File Compare view showing changed between a currently selected file and its version on branch/tag/commit should be opened.
I agree this is the very first thing I was looking for after doing reviews of my changes. Could be nice to click on the Stage button in File Compare window to stage the file and close the window.
Vote for this feature, fast visual git grep with ability to open file with internal and (using command line) in external editor could be a fantastic feature.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Still waiting for this feature, graphical "git grep"
From UX point of view, I could imagine it the same way as we have the Files view: a window with a list of found files with occurences and lines, and the view window(similar to Changes diff view now). The user shall be able to navigate the search results with arrows and see the contents in the View window, the same way as we can now with i.e. Modified files. The Enter key on search results window should show the View; an alternative command pattern shall be available to launch the external editor with file path and line number command line arguments.