Your comments

Im not sure this is any reason why smartgit couldnt still be a lot more helpful here. All the suggestions I made, for example still seem valid, would provide value (and seem not particularly difficult to implement)

I often have a local repo with tags, and one or more remote repos (which often are just "backups" of my local work).
My most typical use case:
I make several commits, and every so often push to my main remote. Every so (less) often push to my other remote too.
Smartgit does a great job of showing me when my local commit history is different to my remotes (or the remotes different to each other), and helping me see when I need to push to which here.
As soon as I start using tags it much less help, especially since they need to be pushed individually

Its a pity smartgit isnt more help here. It seems to just show tags locally with no info on which of them are where (or if pushed at all)  on remotes. So its really easy to get out of sync, especially since each tag has to be pushed individually to each remote. Things get especially easy to mess up if I decide i need to move a tag locally, and have to repeat all individual pushes.
Would be great to get some more help on (remote) tags. possible suggestions:
add option to push any tag on a commit as well as commit itself.
and/or an option push to "all remotes" (something that also would be valuable in itself - and optionally including the tags)

I miss this feature almost daily. Would be great to get it

That seems to do the trick nicely. Thank you.

Hi Marc.
I invoke it once, and each time it opens 2 terminal windows as described

Hi Marc. Thanks for pointing this out. If I do this On mac 12.6.7, two terminal windows open, one of which i´has the repo as current dir and path as hoped for. (The other not)