Your comments

This appears to not be a bug, but rather a missing feature. Can you confirm this?

Does that mean that I should be getting changes for submodules with this config? None of our team do.

I've now enabled everything you've mentioned for a while, and I still see no new commits in submodules.

Assuming a setup with a "TopLevel" git repo, which in the directory hierarchy contains one "SubModule" repo. The SubModule repo is only known to SmartGit as a submodule in TopLevel.

Edit/Preferences/Background Commands:

- Disabled "Detect local changes in closed favorite repositories"

- Enabled "Detect remote changes"

- Enabled "Fetch Closed favorite repositories"

- Enabled "Fetch Open repositories when idle"

TopLevel Repository Settings, Pull tab:

- Everything enabled

TopLevel Remote Properties:

- Enable Background Poll/Fetch

SubModule Repository Settings, Pull tab:

- Everything enabled

SubModule Remote Properties:

- Enable Background Poll/Fetch. This has the info icon mentioning it needs to be marked as favorite, however there is no way to mark a submodule as favorite.

I never see that there are new commits to SubModule unless I manually fetch it. Realistically, adding our 15 or so submodules, each referenced in 1-4 different toplevel projects, as standalone repos in SmartGit in order to get change detection isn't a viable solution.

Are there other options I may need to change, or is this just not supported? If not supported, can it become supported at some point? :)

Does that mean the repository pull settings apply also to background fetch?

I can't really enable that, as I need to avoid pulling everything from several large and busy open source libs that also are submodules. What I'm looking for is a per-submodule setting for background fetch - similar to how I'm currently using Favorite for top-level projects.

But it could be possible to configure a submodule to do background fetches, so that I can select that submodule, see its journal, and see the new commits?

Actually, this could be simplified even more. When someone else commits to a submodule, I'd like to see this in the journal. There seems to be no way to configure a submodule to do background fetches.

When I commit to the submodule LibraryA, from the SmartGit window for Project1, there is no indication of new commits being available in the journal for submodule LibraryA within SmartGit window for Project2. These two projects are using different toplevel directories, so I have two copies of LibraryA checked out.