Your comments

The next release of SmartGit will have native M1 support, so this issue if still a thing, will be resolved.

Hi team, just adding my 2 cents. While SmartGit is still quite fast under emulation, there is another downside to having emulated applications and that's the additional memory swapping that happens under Rosetta 2, which negatively affects the lifespan of the SSD.

Now I'm not saying/accusing that SmartGit is doing anything like that, it's just one more thing to keep in mind with Rosetta 2

Even with the option enabled, i still find myself accidentally clicking the button on the right

Can we have an option to move the discard button to its original position, before this discard to stash button was a thing?

Maybe we're misunderstanding the feature, but from I've been using SmartGit for 4 years now and I have never seen it delete a merged local branch after a fetch. It will mark with a red ?missing (or something similar), which is still useful and I have gotten used to that for now.

Is the feature deleting the tracking branch, but not the local branch?

We have a similar set of reusable modules and we are using a master repo which has all other repos as submodules (i.e a monorepo) to handle what you are describing.

Smart git is able to commit to multiple submodules (and the parent repo itself) at the same time, and we have used this feature when making sweeping changes to all our repos, like changing line endings or whitespace.

Having a monorepo also saves the developers having to clone each repo separately. Instead SmartGit will clone all submodules automatically.

Sure, it's a pretty standard PR workflow. We are using an Atlassian stack, so Jira for tickets and Bitbucket for git repo.

  1. Dev creates a local work branch, such as feature-JIRA123 or bugfix-JIRA456
  2. Dev pushes to origin and creates a PR in Bitbucket.
  3. Another Dev reviews the PR, approves and merges into master using the Bitbucket UI
    • the reviewer can choose to delete the merged branch from the remote via the Bitbucket UI
  4. The devs can now fetch the new changes from remote master

At this point the local work branch (e.g feature-JIRA123) can be safely deleted from the dev's local repo, as it's tracking branch has already been merged and deleted from origin. This is what I believe SmartGit can automate by giving an option during fetch.

The stackoverflow question I linked provides various command line solutions for this and I am currently using one of them, but it would be nice if this was part of SmartGit.