Add option for "--set-upstream origin" for untracked branches
When I create a local branch (either directly or with the git flow feature) and then push it, it is not tracked and I have to add tracking separately. I would like an option to do this automatically (similar to "git push -u origin" on the command line)
I have tried checking the preference "Automatically set up tracking for new branches", but this doesn't help (what does this anyway? Couldn't find it in the online manual)
Customer support service by UserEcho
If "Automatically set up tracking for new branches" is selected and you push the new local branch, it will track it automatically. I reckon this makes sense in 99.5% of new pushed branches.
A related feature request is the ability to easily set the upstream of the current branch by just right cicking on the remote branch the user wants as their upstream -
https://smartgit.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/1718-add-context-menu-item-to-set-upstream-of-current-branch. I suspect in many cases that may be easier than selecting a upstream in the branch creation dialog (though it would be two steps rather than one dialog).