
Allow to activate/deactivate multiple selected submodules

Marco Esposito 3 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 10 months ago 4

When operating on a large repository with multiple submodules, it is possible to manually initialize/deactivate single submodules. However, this can be a very tedious operation, since each single repository must be selected, right clicked on, and finally inited/deactivated.

Please allow to select multiple submodules, right click, and initialize/deactivate them altogether.

I would love to have this feature. I have posted a similar feature two years ago but no feedback so far from the SmartGit team:

For anyone still suffering from this like me, I came up with a bash script to do this instead:

submodule1 # ...

for module in "${modules[@]}"
echo "deiniting $module"
git submodule deinit "$module"
cat >> .git/config << EOF
[submodule "$module"]
active = false


In 24.1 Preview you can Deactivate multiple submodules at once.