
Open multiple repositories in explorer

Marcel 8 months ago updated 2 months ago 5

Sometimes I want to open multiple repos (6-15) in windows explorer from the Repository view in the LogGraph view. Therefore I have to right click each one and say "Open in Explorer". It would be nice if that option would also be shown if you select multiple repos which would then of course open also multiple explorer instances.

External tools

then you have to clone same repo with diff name so that you can use different repo in two gui windows

What is the reason/use case why you are opening many repos in explorer in one go?


Continuing work there somehow. E.g. opening a software Projekt in a dev environment. For commissioning I sometimes need 3-8 (15 was max to this day 😜) projects at once.

It would also be awesome if you could configure a custom link („Open in Dev“). That way you could just click the repo -> open in dev.

Most flexible way would be to allow adding custom commands to the context menu of each repo. Or at least one custom command for the „Open in dev“ entry. That way one is able to adapt the action for almost any environment I guess… 

Just putting Ideas out there I would add 😊

Ok, as far as I understood you - we can do this using the Tools Menu and customizing the Tools.

For Repo Specific you would need a script with the same name e.g. "OpenInDev.sh" in every Repo and point the command to the Repo Path.

Check out his example opening a VisualStudio Project:

The Trick is you use Powershell, SH, ... as the Command and then run a script from ${repositoryRootPath}\openindev.sh


Thanks for the hint! Works like a charm for single repositories! But this also vanishes from the context menu if you select more then one repo! Still, thanks a lot for pointing out! Love the feature!