Export Modified Files Retaining Folder Structure

james x gregory 3 months ago updated by Thomas Singer 3 months ago 6

I'd like the ability to export the selected modified files to a directory and maintain the file structure of the modified files. i.e. if I have selected two files, one in an EXP directory and one in an IMP directory, then I'd expect and IMP and EXP directory to be created with the files in the correct folders.

Ideally, also like the ability to do this from the main window showing changed files, but also from the log window when comparing two commits or looking at a single commit.

This is similar to the functionality in Tortoise GIT using the right-click "Export Selection To" option.

Can you explain the Use Case for this capability? It sounds a bit like Stash?

It's more for backup purposes. I want to be able to export any files that have changed to a network location so that if something happens to my local file system, I've got a recent backup of my changes. I don't want to copy the entire workspace as it's a large number of files, I just want to be able to copy the files that I've changed/added.

For backup purposes I'd rather recommend another remote.

I assume you work with out a "Remote" like Github/GitLab or similar?

I'm fairly new to Git, so I may be misunderstanding, but we do have a remote, but that only holds the code that is commited and pushed doesn't it? We develop using local repos, so any code that I've modified, but not commited is only local to my machine, unless I'm misunderstanding.

Why not commit/push even unfinished code into your feature branch? SmartGit offers all sorts of features to clean up this "mess" later, so it would look like done right from the beginning.