
Log: git-notes display [SG-2048]

Derrick Southerland 8 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 7 months ago 7

Display git-notes in the log.

Missing Git feature

It wouldn't be only great if SmartGit could display a git notes entry, but also handle git notes (add, delete, edit, ...).

I guess a lot of functionality would already be available with the help of the review add-on (at least editor and viewing of markdown)

Has this been considered or implemented?  I've been using tags for this purpose but they can't be duplicates so it's clunky

This is supported by https://git-fork.com/, displayed below the commit message, but not shown on the commit tree.  I would like the notes to be displayed on the tree like a tag but in a different color.

My repos are a mess because I add tags for this kind of thing, but they each need unique names, so I have tags like "49325_bytes_flash" to keep track of whether my changes are improving ROM size or not, or "Passed_XYZ_certification" to keep track of which version we sent into the test lab.  But these same labels could apply to more than one commit.

Notes would be a useful addition, I keep nots on the various 'features' of build of a commit

Even the old gitk supports it!!

We use Git notes to keep track of the CVS revisions each commit has been created from. This would be very helpful to us, since our developers need to understand in which build their changes are going (we still live in a dual CVS-Git world).