Your comments

"ahead/behind relative to tracked branch for local branches" -> this feature is important and should stay

Showing both ahead/behinds has the risk of beeing confusing. If you choose to do that, both indicators should be visualized in a different manner.

"ahead/behind relative to "main" branch" -> I'm not sure if that information is relevant for local branches. Rather not.

I'd choose your first option "ahead/behind relative to tracked branch for local branches, ahead/behind relative to "main" branch for remote branches" and use different visualization of ahead/behind. This way the user can easily distinguish the two.

Great. "Show remote branches in their Git-Flow sections" is exactly what I was suggesting. Didn't know that feature.

The information you are mentioning is for local branches available.

The new information could be shown for remote branches only. Saying this - I'd prefer the remote and local branches to be visualy separated or grouped.

Current view

(yellow highlights the mix of local and remote branches)


(all remote branches are shown under origin, grouped in features, releases etc..

now, as the remote branches are separated, the ahead/behind information can be shown. Either as graph like github or in smartgit's text style like "6><11")