Your comments

The current drag and drop UI, while certainly better than nothing, is cumbersome and does not always result in the desired layout on the first attempt. It requires a good bit of fiddling to get the layout you want. The lack of a named workspace layout feature means that fiddling with the workspace DnD will be required to get it adjusted for different types of activities.

The currrent UI seems to try too hard to get all the information available onscreen at once, which just results in information overload. Some prioritization of what is really most needed for a given activity would be better... in essence by allowing users to set up overlapping tabbed views, if desired, in addition to the tiled layouts and by allowing easy naming and retrieving of workspace layouts. Only showing a single tab for each view is kind of unusual since multiple tabs are well suited to easily switching the view of different content in the same screen space, which the UI does not seem to support. (I tried DnDing a view on top of another one in hopes of combining them into a multiple tab view, but that did not work.) Supporting a multiple tabbed layout could allow the user to only view what is most needed at the moment, reducing information overload.