Your comments

+1 for this basic feature.

I regularly work in a legacy code base where the line length is well past the 400 character mark (don't ask), and multiple changes to such long lines tend to get overlooked unless I force myself to scrub the horizontal scroll bar on these long lines to see if there is more than the one highlighted change.

And related: SmartGit tries to horizontally scroll the first diff for a line into view, but I regularly find it fails to do so for these long lines when they occur near the bottom of the file (or if there are more than a certain amount of them in a file?).  In that case the line itself is nicely vertically centered into view, but the exact word diff is not visible since the horizontal scroll bar is stuck at position 0, again forcing me to scroll the change window to hunt it down.

As for inspiration from other merge tools: WinMerge can also enable line wrapping in all windows for as long as I can remember.  Needless to say that I have set WinMerge as my external diff & merge tool, but there is no replacement for the in-built diff viewer in the SmartGit "Changes" pane.