Your comments

I'm a big fan of the journal view, so I don't agree to much of what is said here :)

Is those options below would be good compromise ?

  • option to only show "local" commits in the journal view
  • different colors or a marker to clearly distinguish the state of the local vs tracked remote branch (this is greatly done in the journal window, indeed might be improved in the journal view)

Ha right, I've downloaded the build 9061 this morning and the main window toolbar background is bright again :( The previous dark colors worked pretty well in my opinion...

>> compare right ruler colors : no change ?

> These colors can be changed in the preferences - they are from the editor theme.

Indeed I can't find any good combination because the colors are applied both in the ruler and in the editor... and the ruler should have light colors, but not the editor (if so text becomes mostly unreadable).

Not sure I saw every modifications :D But at least :

* great change on the background color for selected lines, both in main window and log window, perfect catch, perfectly usable now !

* in the repositories window, some text (favorites, updates number) in light green : much more readable !

I definitively LOVE this new dark theme \o/

I've just tried a fresh new install, with SmartGit 8.0, and I had this dialog on the first pull I did, with rebase selected as default. It's quite nice ! I would suggest "remember as default" option to be checked by default also if possible ?

So, after almost a day using the latest dark theme...

Some of the previously raised issues are still a problem in my opinion :

- compare right ruler colors : no change ?
- log window selected line on non selected view : better, but still quite not good. Might be improved using the light grey color for the message column in the commits view ?

And I saw those new ones :

- in the pull dialog, the "more option" label has a surprising background (dark although the dialog itself has the light grey)

- in the delete branch dialog, if the option "delete tracked branch" option is unchecked, then the "delete from remote" option is almost invisible

Anyway, the last version is a great improvement indeed, it's getting better and better !!

Wooo, bravo, at first glance it REALLY improves the look !! I will let you know after some time using it !

I need to try installing SmartGit from scratch... Will do and i'll get back to you.

Not sure to understand your answer Thomas ? Reading Marc I understand that in both windows there are indeed lots of views that are similar but with different functionalities, and that merging everything would be a great amount of work. But from my experience, stating this is usually a clear sign of a bad design...

Do not get me wrong, I use SmartGit everyday, but indeed this two windows interface is really annoying, and gives a very bad feeling to first starters : in a versionning product, the log/history should be the center piece, you shouldn't have to open a new window to use it !

With my previous comment I was just adding my 2 cents, saying that for SourceTree Atlassian chose an interface that is much more clearer and usable, and still it provides in one window certainly all of the functionalities SmartGit gives in two windows(? to be confirmed - but at least there is all that I need).

Getting back to the feeling : by default you see all of the previous changes, all of your current changes (commited / staged / unstaged), and all of the remote changes. The minimum anyone would asked to a versioning tool.

As a downside in SourceTree you can't do blame / history of a single file. Not sure this is so much of an important functionality though : for this usage any developper has his IDE that is much more practical ! This is typically a functionality that I wouldn't mind if it opens up a new window.

It might not be easy, but maybe there's an interface to totally rethink, looking at what other products do. I really think this is the worse default of SmartGit right now, and believe me it's hard to find others ;)

Sorry I still don't understand. The dialog opening depends on the pull.rebase option in ~/.gitconfig. As we didn't see the dialog in newly fresh installs, my questions :

  • is the dialog only present in recent builds, ie not present in 8 and downwards ?
  • is the pull.rebase option added by anything other than SmartGit ? Can it be already fixed when launching SmartGit for the first time ?