Your comments

If I had a nickel for every time an inexperienced smartgit user at the office ended up committing to submodules without realizing -- and of course the submodule gets the same commit message as the parent which almost never makes sense.

You're probably right. I thought it could be interesting to have a menu item "fork submodule" then "fork to what empty repo?" then "track original remote for future merges?" then "Merge from tracked remote submodule" then "revert to remote submodule" etc. But maybe this is an uncommon work flow and if you need it you figure it out.

P.s. there's already a git command that does what I'm asking for: git log --pretty=oneline <first tag name>...<second tag name>

Fair enough. I don't mind hiding the branches until someone makes such an external tool ;-) Great update anyway!

Works. The only inconvenient part of it is that it seems that if there are abandoned or test branches that don't reconnect to head, I can't *not* select them without going in and hiding them all. That's why I wanted to show messages between two commits (assuming they were related).

Oh I see, I have to download the preview version first. Ok cool, thanks!

Perhaps this doesn't work on mac yet? When I check for latest build and download it, it gets 8.0.3, build date Nov 15, 2015.

All at once? I just tried selecting a bunch of commits together and "copy message" is greyed out. It only seems to work if I select one commit at a time.

This is when we're using an github repo in one of our local gitolite projects and perhaps we want to make sure that our project always builds, even if github goes down or the repo gets removed. The process for us is to create a local empty gitolite repo, then we manually update .gitmodules and .git/config to change the url from github to our new local repo. Then we "git push origin master'. I'm not sure if this can be accomplished with smart git's change url function. The first time I tried it didn't work. Anyway, this is a low priority feature for us since it doesn't happen that often.