Your comments

Would absolutely love support for commitizen or general Conventional Commits support.

+1. It would be great to see the following enhancements to GitLab integration:

  • Merge Request -- be great to see a list of merge requests with status, filtering, etc.
  • Issues -- be great to see a list of issues with status, labels, filtering, etc.
  • Builds -- If project has CI enabled, show build status for each commit. Be great to also show pipeline, etc.

For Merge Requests and Issues, I don't personally feel it would be necessary to support accepting, responding, etc. Feel like it would be sufficient to view the information and clicking on the request would open a web browser to the correct GitLab page where the user can take action.

For Issues it would also be great to have some notification when new issues are submitted; don't think a desktop notification is required... maybe a flashing icon?