Your comments

Hmm, Ctrl-Space doesn't do anything, neither Opt-Space

Smartgit 19.1 RC 2 #14147

MacOS 10.14.5

I understand this might not be everybody's workflow but it's a "standard" git feature:

git commit --fixup <#1>

and then

git rebase -i --autosquash

Whether what you currently have in smargit "Squash..." I think would be in my example

git rebase -i HEAD~2

So in your scenario you if you wanted to do a fixup you would have to swap the commit positions first but you might as well do it with a squash. The fixup would only make sense in my scenario I suppose.

True. It's not really a big thing but consider we have a branch like (#2 is newest commit):

- commit 2: "trivial removal of silly whitespaces"

- commit 1: "important mother of all refactoring changes"

I want to do a fixup which means I want to "join" those two commits but keep commit 1 message which is the relevant one so I have to select 2 & 1, right-click and "Squash Commits...", then the pop up to confirm operation will show:

*Squash multiple commits*


trivial removal of silly whitespaces

important mother of all refactoring changes


   [Cancel]   [Squash commits]

Then I have to go in the edit area, select and remove the first comment (in this case it's just one line of the two we have but it could be a few more) and click [Squash commits]

If I had a "Fixup" or "Fixup with parent" option I could do it in one click (or maybe two if you there is a confirm popup), I don't care about the last or child #2 commit message.

Just have a play with GitUp if you haven't done so already, it's very handy if you do this kind of thing often.

I'd really like this feature to be added too. We initially used "/" in branch names like "bugfix/123/annoying_issue" or "feature/567/cool_widget" but we had to switch to "-" like "bugfix-123-annoying_issue" because Jenkins CI didn't like the slashes and was messing up the automatic builds.

So yes, being able to specify a grouping character would be cool.